Root Canal Treatment

If the phrase "root canal" sends a shiver down your spine, you're not alone. However, dentistry has advanced significantly in recent years, and root canal treatment is more comfortable and efficient than ever.

When you consider that a root canal is the last resort for saving an infected tooth, it's probably time to develop a healthier attitude about the procedure!

Why Our Dentists Recommend Root Canal Treatment

Your teeth are comprised of three layers, the outermost being hard tooth enamel. The softer layer beneath is called dentin, and the innermost part of the tooth is called the pulp chamber.

This part of your tooth usually is well protected. It only becomes vulnerable if bacteria enter through a crack in your tooth, a deep cavity or infection, or repeated dental work. When bacteria enter the pulp chamber, an infection or inflammation develops. The only way to treat the infection is with a root canal procedure or tooth extraction. 

A root canal is the last option our dentists have for saving a tooth from extraction.

Signs That You Might Need a Root Canal

An excruciating toothache is the most common symptom of a root infection, but there are other signs to look for that are not so obvious:

  • Severe, lingering pain after touching the tooth
  • Extreme tooth sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Jaw pain or swelling near the tooth
  • A whitish raised bump on the gum
  • An awful taste or odor in your mouth
  • Tooth discoloration or darkening

Even if you only have one of these symptoms, call our Elizabeth Township dental office promptly, and we will provide root canal treatment to save your tooth.

How Does Root Canal Treatment Work?

Root canal therapy thoroughly cleans out the inside of the affected tooth, fills it with a biocompatible material, then restores the tooth's strength with a porcelain filling or sturdy dental crown. It's a relatively simple procedure, and our dentists complete it with the following steps.

First, our dentists administer a local anesthetic so the tooth they are treating will be completely numb, and you will remain comfortable throughout. Then root canal treatment is typically completed in five steps.

  1. A tiny access hole is made in your tooth to access the pulp chamber.
  2. Using high-tech rotary endodontics, we remove the infected pulp comfortably and efficiently.
  3. The hollowed-out root canals are filled with gutta-percha, a rubber-like biocompatible material.
  4. We place a temporary filling on the tooth to protect it during healing.
  5. After healing, we customize your final dental crown for your smile and place it on the tooth.

If our dentists determine that a filling is enough to support the tooth, they'll place it when you return to our dental office for reevaluation.

Depending on the tooth's location in your mouth and whether it requires additional support, we may recommend a dental crown instead of a filling. If this is the case, fabricating your custom dental crown requires an additional 2-3 weeks, and you will need to return for a second visit to have it placed on your tooth.

Do You Think You Need Root Canal Treatment?

If you have any of the symptoms listed above, please call our root canal dentists in Elizabeth Township, PA. We also offer emergency root canal treatment if you're in pain and need urgent relief.